Sunday, 13 January 2013

Winter Floral Arrangements

 When we arrive in Brittany, no matter what time of year, my clever friend (who also designed the drawing for my masthead) gets the house ready and fills it with floral arrangements from her own wonderful garden.
I think each time she out does herself and this time was no exception. She managed to find a few flowering plants and to frost the leaves and berries of others.
Check out her website at where she sells jewellery and other things.

A close up of the frosted berries

The subtle colours of hydrangeas in winter.

More glorious flowers and berries.


  1. Lovely flowers always loved faded hydrangeas. I went to a weeding once when the bridal flowers were a mixture of hydrangeas and autumn blooms, berries and leaves so unusual but lovely.

  2. Yes - I too love faded hydrangeas. I often pick them from my garden and dry them myself - sadly this year was in NZ at the appropriate time.
    Less bleak photos - thank you!
