Original Drawing by Sue West
It is one year since I started this blog. It's been a wonderful experience and an uphill learning curve. The wonderful experience comes from making a lot of virtual friends and a few real ones, learning about their interests and discovering new ideas. The learning curve has come from the frustrations of getting the posts to look as I envisage them and to make the photos stay where I put them! (Not to mention, trying to develop skill as a photographer.) Below is a reposting of my very first blog. It explains why I started this and why I persevere. Thank you to everyone who has a look this.
I love fabrics. I have always loved fabrics.
If there were a heaven, it would be a large space filled with fabrics, something like The Cotton House in Berwick Street in London, or Boroviks, stuffed with beautiful things and where the fashion students and costume designers go. Or Liberty’s in its hey day, when fabrics occupied a whole floor, exotic silks and satins and tiny Tana lawn prints.
Or Hudsons in downtown Detroit in the 1950’s, where my mother used to take me and I once got separated from her among the tall fabric bales, taller than I was. In this heaven, I could browse forever, breathing in the smell of fabrics, touching them, imagining what I could make with them.
Like my mother’s closets, my house is overflowing with
fabrics. A few years ago, a friend
turned an old pine wardrobe into a fabric cupboard for me by adding
shelves. My daughter and I covered them
with Cath Kidson wallpaper, then stacked my fabrics according to colour and
type. I bought pretty tins for buttons,
zips, trims and threads. It looks
lovely. Of course it is not big enough
to contain all my fabrics. They lurk in the loft, in black bin bags, blue Ikea
bags, re-usable supermarket bags. Current sewing projects are in plastic boxes
under the bed in the spare room. They
ooze and creep into other places, on chairs, beds, tables.
If there were a fire, I would not try to save my
fabrics. I would save my family. But I would mourn the loss of my
fabrics. It would take some time to get
over it. Eventually, I would try to put a positive spin on it. I would see it as an opportunity to buy more
fabrics, but I would mourn the old ones because I know where I acquired each
one of them. They all have memories and
A few weeks ago, I visited Berwick Street in London and to
my delight I noticed that many new fabric shops have opened. People are beginning to see the advantages of
the old home crafts during this time of ‘economic gloom’. It’s something to make the heart glad. Newspapers and fashion magazines make reference
to ‘make do and mend’ and ‘make your own individual dress, headscarf, belt,
bag…” New sewing and crafting magazines
are being published too.
All of these things have inspired me to create this blog,
to exchange ideas with others who also love making things. Most of my ideas are not original. I take
them from magazines, shops, friends and galleries. Still, I would like to share some of them
with you.