Sunday 25 March 2012

Progress on my Quilt

This is it so far, laid out on the bed.  It's very bright, not to say garish, but having spent two precious days on it, I am reluctant to scrap it (forgive the pun) now.  I had to discard about 16 blocks because they really were too loud.  Consequently, I now have a baby-size quilt.  Babies love bright colours, right?  Next step - stitch the blocks together, buy some wadding and backing and machine quilt it.

Here is how I did it.  I used lots of fabrics that I had.  You might like to think your colour scheme through before you start.

Cut strips 2 1/2 " wide and approximately 45" long.  If you cut across the fabric, this will probably do it.  
With right sides together, join five strips together along the long edges.  See above. Seam allowance is 1/4".  Press all seams in same direction. Trim the ends of the long strips, which are inevitably not straight after stitching.

The strips will measure approximately 10" in width.  Cut the long strips into 10" lengths which will make them square.

Lay two squares face together with the strips going horizontally on one and vertically on the other.

Stitch around all four edges using a 1/4" seam allowance.

Carefully cut through both layers diagonally to form four triangles.

Open out each triangle to form a square.  Press carefully.

Now lay them out of a flat surface and try not to go arrgh as I did.
Better luck next time, for me, I hope.

Next instalment as soon as I can get the materials (Kingston, Tuesday).  Finished quilt to appear soon. 

Hubby has just fed me roast chicken, several veg and my own lemon cake and ice cream.  Must go lie down and let it digest.

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